Friday, December 7, 2012

Is An All Knowing God Going to Be Replaced By Facebook or the Next Generation of Social Networks?

What do you tell your very young kids as it nears the holidays; "be good or Santa will not bring you any toys," and it works well enough for a while until which times they call you on it, and then the cat is out of the bad and that little child management technique is gone forever, oh well. In society, for as long as there has been a written record various leaders have used religion to contain bad behavior and promote stability in the village, region, country, nation or continent.

It's worked well, but for some reason without constant bombardment - hourly, daily, or weekly rituals - well good human behavior falls off the wagon. So, what's next you ask, how can we solve this problems? Well, unfortunately humans and human science is getting much better and so the storyline just doesn't seem to resonate, as the average IQ climbs. Folks are not so easily fooled anymore you see. Does that mean some societies will fall to chaos, crime, and near anarchy? Well, there is more to it than that, but there needs to be a substitute since humans are a problematic species to begin with.

Integrity is what you do when no one is watching, and if you think a "god" or "gods" are watching then you tend to not want to rock the boat for "fear of loss" not getting into heaven for instance, taking an example from Christianity of course, or worse, going to hell - yes, that's a hot place, much more dire than even the worst Global Warming Alarmist predictions I'd say. However, what if the all-knowing social online networks are ever present, and since everyone is posting all sorts of stuff, and they have mobile devices they are bound to post you doing something you shouldn't - so you don't.

In other words, Santa Clause and God are now replaced by Facebook or after it comes crashing down as the other former leaders in that space have, the next generation of social networks will take the field. The new social networks, Internet, and Smart Grid together with all the Big Data exploits "knows when you've been sleeping, knows when you are awake, knows if you've been good or bad," I hope you are getting my point here for goodness sake. So, I ask, is Facebook becoming your new god?

It doesn't have to be this way, you can opt-out. It's your choice, "this is your mission if you choose to accept it," and that's all I am trying to say here. Please consider all this and think on it.

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